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Rosalynn Carter

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter greets children during a Carter Center visit to Tingoli, Ghana.

Place: Tingoli, Ghana
Date: Feb. 8, 2007
Credit: ²Ø¾«¸ó

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter greets children in Tingoli, Ghana, during a Carter Center visit to see the country's progress eradicating Guinea worm disease and controlling trachoma, a devastating eye disease. The February 2007 visit was the first stop on a two-week tour to call international attention to health needs among impoverished communities in Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. Since then, with Carter Center support, Ghana has eliminated Guinea worm disease and eliminated blinding trachoma as a public health problem.

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Rosalynn Carter Photos

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Rosalynn Carter watches as a Guinea worm health worker dresses a child's extremely painful Guinea worm wound.
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