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The 30th Annual Rosalynn Carter Symposium on Mental Health Policy

"Celebrating the Past & Shaping the Future"

Day 2: Nov. 21, 2014

The subject of this year's symposium is of interest to a wide variety of mental health and addiction advocates, as well as to non-traditional partners. The Mental Health Program attracts a diverse audience, including members of the behavioral health advocacy community, insurance providers, pharmaceutical companies, caregivers, consumers, and policymakers from federal and state agencies.

Panel 2 – Building Quality and Access Through Collaboration


  • Benjamin G.Druss, M.D., M.P.H.
    Rosalynn Carter Endowed Chair in Mental Health;
    Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University;
    Member, the Carter Center Mental Health Task Force;
    Member, Advisory Board, Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism


  • Bringing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Together
    Mark McGovern Ph.D.
    Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Community and Family Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
  • Integrating Mental Health and Primary Care
    Linda Rosenberg, MSW
    President and CEO, National Council for Behavioral Health
  • Moving from the Treatment of Illness to a Culture of Health
    Ray Fabius, M.D., CPE, FACPE
    Co-founder, HealthNEXT;
    Faculty Member and Distinguished Fellow, American College of Physician Executives;
    Faculty Member and Fellow, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine;
    Founding Member and Vice-president, Health Internet Ethics


View Panel 2 presentation slides (PDF) 3.5 MB

Panel 3 – Developing Leaders for Tomorrow


  • Larke Huang, Ph.D.
    Senior Advisor, Administrator's Office of Policy Planning and Innovation, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration;
    Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration;
    Ex-Officio Member, the Carter Center Mental Health Task Force


  • Preparing the Clinical Workforce of Tomorrow
    Peter Buckley, M.D.
    Dean, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University;
    Professor of Psychiatry, Pharmacology, and Radiology, Medical College of Georgia;
    Liaison, Council of Deans, Group on Resident Affairs, Association of the American Medical Colleges
  • Expanding the Role of Consumers
    Sue Bergeson, M.B.A.
    National Vice President, Consumer and Family Affairs, OptumHealth, United Health Care
  • Enhancing the Quality of Leadership through Technology
    April Foreman, Ph.D.
    Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System


View Panel 3 presentation slides (PDF) 3.3 MB

Mini-Plenaries Slides

  • The Affordable Care Act: What's Next for Behavioral Care?
    Ronald Manderscheid, Ph.D.
    Executive Director, National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Directors
    View presentation slides (PDF) .34 MB
  • Moving Research into Practice: Science, Scale, and Sustainability
    David Chambers, DPhil
    Associate Director, Dissemination and Implementation Research, National Institute of Mental Health;
    Chief, Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology Branch, Division of Services and Intervention Research, National Institute of Mental Health
    View presentation slides (PDF) 1.1 MB
  • Advances in Addiction Science and Treatment
    Mady Chalk, Ph.D., M.S.W.
    Director, Center for Policy Research and Analysis, Treatment Research Institute;
    Principal, The Chalk Group
    View presentation slides (PDF) 1.2 MB
  • Achieving Wellness Through Whole Health
    Keris Myrick, M.S., M.B.A.
    Director of Consumer Affairs, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    Wilma Townsend, MSW
    Team Leader, Division of Pharmacologic Therapies, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    View presentation slides (PDF) 10 MB

Conversation & Concluding Remarks


  • Mary Jane England, M.D.
    Ad Interim Chair, Community Health Sciences Department, Boston University School of Public Health;
    Member, the Carter Center Mental Health Task Force


  • Steven Sharfstein, M.D., M.P.A.
    President & CEO, Sheppard Pratt Health System;
    Clinical Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine;
    Vice Chair of Psychiatry, University of Maryland, School of Medicine
  • David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D.
    Director, The Satcher Health Leadership Institute, Morehouse School of Medicine;
    Professor, Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Family Medicine, and Psychiatry, Morehouse School of Medicine;
    Founding Director, National Center for Primary Care, Morehouse School of Medicine;
    Interim President, Morehouse School of Medicine
  • Michael Hogan, Ph.D.
    Principal, Hogan Health Solutions LLC
  • Allen Daniels, Ph.D., Ed.D.
    Independent Behavioral Health Care Consultant;
    Senior Study Director, Westat;
    Clinical Director, InfoMC
  • Leah Harris, M.A.
    Director, National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery;
    Consultant, Center for Dignity, Recovery, and Empowerment;
    Consultant, National Center for Trauma-Informed Care

Concluding Remarks

Rosalynn Carter
Chair, CarterMental Health Task Force

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