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2002 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture Book Signing Set for April 8

Exclusive Book Signing
for The Nobel Peace Prize Lecture
Delivered by Jimmy Carter on Dec. 10, 2002, at the ceremony in Oslo, Norway
with former President Jimmy Carter.

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 - 7 p.m.

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Circle of Flags Entrance
441 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307

  • President Carter will sign his newest book, The Nobel Peace Prize Lecture
    Simon & Schuster, 2003 (20 pages, $12.00).
  • All President Carter's books will be available for purchase. Only books
    will be sold in the gift shop on this special evening.
  • Free admission to the Museum with display of Nobel Peace Prize
    Special exhibit, Presidential Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery, featuring all 41 presidents from Washington to Clinton.
  • Only books written by President Carter will be signed (no other items).

    Buy a commemorative copy for yourself and a gift copy for a special friend. This is a "one-time opportunity."
    No other local or national book signings are planned for The Nobel Peace Prize Lecture by Jimmy Carter.

For more information call 404/331-3942
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Learn more about the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

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